PeaceWomen Across the Globe

PeaceWomen Across the Globe

a podcast about women's struggle for peace

1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize

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Her work as a parliamentarian took her to refugee camps in conflict-affected regions. There Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold met women who had experienced sexualised violence and who were now struggling for a better life and fighting for their rights. The idea to nominate 1000 women for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize was born from these encounters at whose core lies the belief that women’s peace work must be made visible. In this episode, she describes how her own experiences of social injustice and gender discrimination led her to become a champion of PeaceWomen.


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About this podcast

In a world of manifold and complex conflicts, women play a crucial role in peace processes. In this podcast, women involved in the construction of peace tell their stories. From Burundi to Nepal, and from Mindanao to Colombia - we give voice to the many women engaged in the building of peace, equal rights for women, children, for people of all genders and all colors. And we listen to their message: that peace is impossible without the contribution of all parts of the population - especially women.

by podcastlab


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